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The 30 Days team caught up with Ryan Kwanten, star of True Blood, during his recent trip home to launch the Telstra T-Box. We got the lowdown on everything from his favourite designers, grooming regime, red carpet preparation to how he keeps grounded in the world of celebrity.

Describe your personal style? Very relaxed and laidback when I'm off duty!


What's your approach to skincare? The way I look at it is that in the business I'm in, the only things I'm in control of are my voice and the way I look. So with that in mind I'm all for looking after myself which includes looking after my skin. Thankfully working on a regular TV series means most of the hard work is done for me. And growing up in Australia means I'm very aware of how important sun screen is.


Hair; natural or styled? I'm pretty low maintenance but getting hair looking this messy isn't as easy as it looks!


Favourite fashion designers/labels? Hugo Boss, G-Star, and Diesel. I like Australian label Zanerobe as well.


LA fashion versus Australian style. Which do you prefer? Yeah I guess so. Aussies are definitely a lot more comfortable in their own skin than Americans, which is very a healthy attribute to have, especially when playing a character like Jason. So I guess Sydney style would be more relaxed while still being stylish, compared to LA style which is pretty flashy. Launching the T-Box for Telstra in Sydney last week has seen me in a lot more suits than I'm used to!


What is your red carpet preparation? Exercise is by far the best form of preparation if you want to look your best. I'd normally go for a really long run or something.


Favourite city to shop in and why? LA, especially the Venice area.


How do you keep in shape? I like to mix it up. I'm a bit of a masochist which I think helps when it comes to exercise. I do a lot of yoga, running and swimming. And I live on the beach which helps.


What fashion style you like in women? I have to say coming back to Sydney has really made me appreciate Australian women. So whatever they're doing style-wise works for me.


Do you prefer women made-up or au natural? Au natural I'd say.


Tips to attract a women's attention? I'm really not into playing games with women; I think it's important to just be yourself. In my experience the best relationships always started through friendship.


Most extravagant fashion buy? Maybe a suit by Hugo Boss.


How do you like to unwind? Definitely exercise; I really enjoy it and find it helps me to unwind for sure.


Top online websites or blogs I've only recently joined some of the big social networking sites. I want to make sure I do in a way that works for me. People put so much of themselves out there nowadays and that's really not something I'm into.


On keeping grounded in world of celebrity? I think being an Aussie is definitely the key to this. That work hard ethos has got me to where I am today and also means I value things differently to what Americans do.


The one piece of advice you've been given and couldn't have done without? I'd have to say that my parents have always taught me how important it is to stay grounded and humble in life, which has definitely been invaluable in my career and living in LA, where some people can have quite different values!

Ecrit par maria91 
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